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Thaao interviews/articles 2007



Thaao interview and articles for 2007.

2007 Thaao scanned articles

May 31, 2007 SOD insider email:
Ever wonder what Digest editors talk about in the halls? Here's what's on our minds this week.

Stephanie Sloane, Editor: After more than 16 years here, I get excited when I get excited about soaps. Right now, I'm hooked on ATWT, DAYS and GH. Now, DAYS is the show I cover for the magazine, and I would watch it every day anyway, but it has really come together more since the Sami/Lucas wedding and I find myself really looking forward to 1 p.m. I am loving the scenes with Tony and EJ; these two are explosive together. Having Tony in town really gives EJ more depth; it's interesting to see his big brother put him in his place after he's smugly walked all over the hapless Bradys for the last year. Welcome back, Thaao Penghlis. You were missed. I'm also thrilled that Shawn, Belle and Philip are home. What a difference having Bo, Hope, Marlena, John (Yay! He's up!) and Victor in their story makes. If you tuned out (and I know a lot of you did), give the show another chance. It's the perfect time to come back. Things are popping.


I forgot to translate the headpart (Godbit i Våra Bästa År). In english that woul be, eye-candy on Days of our Lives.

Hi, I would like to know everything about Thaao Penghlis on the show Days of our Lives on channel 3
/ Helena

Hi Helena, Thaao Penghlis was born in 1945 in Sydney by greek parents. He has 3 siblings and speaks english and greek. Thaao moved to New York after High Scool and began to study acting. He has been in several diffrent shows, Mission Impossible, General Hospital, and he's right now on Days of our Lives (swedish episodes) as Tony DiMera. On this picture he's together with Leann Hunley who used to be on the show.

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