July 29, 2007
A quicky to Noelle....I'm working for the next two weeks and won't be able to call you. I want to have some time to sit down
and chat and not rush it.
that's great! Thanks! Whenever works for you, Thaao, and I'm soooo sorry I couldn't hear you when you called!
Oohh Noelle gets a quickie
<Mary Kay>
You hooch!
<Amy Kay>
A true hoochie now
I caught that too Deb
<Amy Kay>
this is for curleytop, who couldnt be here. If given free reign Thaao, please set up a love scene for Tanna, with details!
We want to see some action!
Marianne....I would certainly have taken her into the shower after the dance. [Unzips
everything ; ) ]And then tired her to my bed...*laughing* I have a wonderful 19th century brass bed that
would straddle beautifully.
spelling errors)
Tony's in handcuffs on Monday. Just wondering if you thought of me during those scenes?
Carina.....You should have let me understand in the past and I would have thought of you LOL. I promise next time I will....now I know!
what is the most provocative dessert you make and your
favorite place
and manner to serve it
Madeline....Thank God for your imagination!!! It would not be a cookie! It
would have to be a sensual dessert. It would have to be something with coconut. A rice coconut with very thin slices of papaya
and peaches. A splash of honey and a touch of passion with a dab of vanilla ice cream thrown in. Followed
by a Greek liqueur to cool things off. And someone to fan you after to bring you back from the experience!!
Nothing small for YOU!!! No Napoleon complex here!!!
spelling errors)
What languages do you speak and do you ever use any of them (other than english) to seduce a woman?
Melanie....Well sometimes there no language...only silence! It's
not always the spoken word. Seduction has a language of it's own. When one is eating a very seductive meal...you
don't talk.
What would you do to make a lady feel special on a evening out?
deb.... depends on which City you’re in. LA isn't the most central. I
would probably take her to the Grand Canyon with
her eyes closed about 6pm and
then show her the sunset. Take her then to the hotel and
have dinner. [Oh come on girls!!!!] You have two drinks so you’re on the brink of everything.
Very sensual. Open to being seduced then…If I took you to Greece it'll be a different picture.
spelling errors)
Naughty quotes from the January 2007 chat.
<Carol> Lee, are you fielding the questions in the right-side order?
<THAAO/LEE> It's a bit hard at the moment Carol lol
<Toddy> what's hard?
<Marianne> LOL Toddy
THAAO/LEE> I have a shower scene with my pants down.
<Marianne> Yes we now cant wait to see that part <Carina>
Oh my <Marianne> front or back view? <shelie girl> woo hoo <THAAO/LEE>
Hi Marianne..... <Marianne> Hi Thaao <Elizabeth> see what you just created thaao <Toddy>
do we get to see the package?
<shelie girl> are you wearing underwear?
<Marianne> Lee tells us you have the uncut version of Emma could you send the hoochies a copy?
<shelie girl> Did you have your pants on that time?
<marykay> Thaoo, I recently saw Emma for the first time. Loved your performance. I hear the American version
was cut. So, we're all wondering. How revealing are those missing love scenes?
<Carina> thanks for the handcuffs scene in The Mirror,Thaao. I really appreciate it.
<Marianne> Thaao the copy of the uncut version of emma can you send it to me?
<THAAO/LEE> Marianne, Lee here....I don't have a copy, but Thaao said he'll have a
look and see if he can find one.
<Marianne> Just curious Thaao Have you ever changed a diaper? (not naughty but dirty LOL)
<THAAO/LEE> marianne...yes.
<THAAO/LEE> Toddy...I hope your birthday is as much as fun as mine was :)
<Carina> Oh details Thaao!
<shelie girl> what did you do to celebrate yours?
THAAO/LEE> shelie girl.....I was taken to a castle in Malabu for my birthday
evening. I went to a Greek restaurant with friends and celebrated our good fortunes....but I didn't get laid!!!!
<Carina> Why the hell not? <Nancy M> Well come on over baby! <Melissa>
LMAO!! <Louise> LOL
marykay> Bummer! <Marianne> LOL
omg <Phyllis Dawn> OMG <Phyllis Dawn> Poor Thaao <anita> LMAO <Carina> Toddy I hope you
get laid on your birthday. <Marianne> You didnt that is because I wasnt there! <THAAO/LEE>
Carina.....cause I think it was more celebrating! <Carina> That's no excuse
Chats with Thaao November 2005 thru January 2007
Some Witty and Naughy Quotes from Mr Penghlis
<marianne> What is your favorite dish to prepare for one of your infamous
dinner parties? <Thaao/Lee> marianne....It depends on who I want to kill I suppose
<Denise> What do you like to do to relax and unwind? <Thaao/Lee>
Denise.....have a vodka martini at the moment
<Antony DiMera> Thaao, do you
have a favorite duel you did? <Thaao/Lee> I did it in the early days and I'm pretty good at it. I know
where to stick a swored where it counts lol
(Here we go Hoochies LOL)
<Diane> Whats the weather like
in LA? <Thaao/Lee> Diane.....it's in the 80's and wonderful. I sat out in my backyard naked
reading a new book.
<sheliegirl> what else do you do out there? <Thaao/Lee>
sheliegirl...not what YOU'RE thinking lol
<Carina> OK, Thaao, did you prefer the handcuffs or being chained to the
<Thaao/Lee> Carina...I'm not very good and being tied
up. I like being free and moving around.....
<marianne> Have many drinks is that tonight Thaao ?
<Thaao/Lee> mariane...I had one martini as I have to see my agent this
evening. I'm getting dressed while I'm talking to you.
<Thaao/Lee> I don't want to be a bad influence with you all drinking cocktails
while naked in the yard,
<tonyjatetoddfan> two parts...what is
your glove and shoe size?
<tonyjatetoddfan> u never answered me (This after a few other
questions were asked)
what is your glove and shoe sizes
<Thaao> "Certainly above normal"
<tonyjatetoddfan> normal?
<Thaao> lol
<heatherlp> Is there any special lady in you life, Thaao?
<Thaao> "Yes, I'm dating, but I'm playing
not seriously dating"
<tonyjatetoddfan> i bet they know your shoe size LOL
<Thaao> he's laughing toddy... he said it's
marianne> player LOL
<Thaao> Marianne, he said NO
<madeline> what is your favorite hawaiian island? and why?
Thaao> one time I had to do a film w/ a nude scene...
Thaao> so I went to a nude beach in Maui...
<Thaao> No one seemed to respond, so I took
my clothes off and ran into the water,
<Thaao> twins that were 14 said to their
father said, "It's him! It's him!"
<Thaao> There's
nothing more exhilirating than diving into the ocean in the nude.
Part 2
<Thaao/Lee> I'm having a cocktail...once again! <Carina>
<Marianne> Of course <Carina> lmao <Thaao/Lee>
<Marianne> Thaao can you tell us a bit about your character and if you have any hot
love scenes <Thaao/Lee> marianne....I don't know hot the scenes
as I haven't done it yet. There are scene with boyorism <Carina> voyuerism?
<Nancy> Will The Mirror be in theaters or is it a
TV movie? When will it be out? <Thaao/Lee> Nancy...it's a feature film,not sure yet who'll pick it up.
It is erotic in parts. There's one scene where I have to urinate in a sink
Carina> good luck on that.
Thaao/Lee> Yes, carina
<Maureen> It's not been a complete day without Thaao peeing in a sink.
<NancyM> Thaao, many men are having children in their 60s. Are you at a point in your life
where you would consider having children?
<Thaao/Lee> nancy....ummmm, I' still thinking about it. Any takers?????
<Thaao/Lee> Great genes.....
<Marianne> ME <Stephanie> me three :) <Melissa> Me!! <Connie> me!!!!!!!! <Katelynn>
me <DebDimera> Me
Carina again> the oven is preheated thaao
<Thaao/Lee> I loved watching the woman on the catwalk. It's sooooo sexy
<Katelynn> Hey maybe we should all get up on the catwalk girls
<Thaao/Lee> Wanted to go to lebanon, but it's too dangerous. f I was kidnapped
who would come and save me?
<Marianne> ME <Carina again> bart <Melissa> ME!!! <Stephanie> I
would > ME <Katelynn> I would!!!! <Melissa> LOL <Connie> we would!!1 <Thaao/Lee>
james Reilly wouldn't come!! <Marianne> ANd we could stay kidnaped <Triferh> Sorry dude, you're on your
own in Lebanon! lol <Katelynn> LOL <Carina again> he'd probably throw a party <Carina again>
i'm taking dick cheney with me. i hear he's a good shot!
<Thaao/Lee> Carina...that's so funny!!!
<Carina again> Thaao, where is the most unusual place you have ever had sex? <Marianne>
OMG Probably the art museum
<Thaao/Lee> Ummm, I'm searching the entire continent.
<Thaao/Lee> (he's thinking)
<Marianne> An art museum right Thaao <Carina again> can you narrow
it down a little?
<Thaao/Lee> Probably Australia and Greece
<Carina again> what's unusual about that? <Thaao/Lee>
The art museam is still echoing!!!!
<Katelynn> Why australia and greece?
<Thaao/Lee> Water to me is very sensual, that's why Australia
and Greece are ideal places.
<AntonyDimera> Thaao, what do you think about the way Tony left Days? It's
similar to how Victor Cassadine ended.
<Thaao/Lee> Antony..it's like a bad orgasm....
<Triferh> There's such thing as a bad orgasm???
<AntonyDimera> hahaha, if you mean anticlimactic I agree
<Thaao/Lee> Or like having no orgasm.
<Marianne> And you guys got on carina about the sex question
<Katelynn> No orgasm...shudder the thought!
<HotGuy> Thaao, what do you look for in a partner?
<Thaao/Lee> Hotguy...loyalty, passion....and full lips
and NOT Botox....
Part 3
<Marianne> Yes Thaao what scene was the most fun to do?
<Lee/Thaao> I have a masterbating scene behind the shower screen
<Marianne> OMG <Carina> omg <Suzanne Lanoue> LOL <DebDimera> OMG <Phyllis
Dawn> OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <Lee/Thaao> I take a gun and put it to my heard, great intensity! <*THE
baby hooch*> OMG lol <Marianne> SO that was the most fun scene right <Melissa> omg...lol
<Lee/Thaao> I'm having an affair with a bunny on a porn site and watch my 'wife' having
sex with another man.
<Marianne> Thaao have you ever visited your Fan Thread at SOAP CITY?????
<Lee/Thaao> Marianne.....no, and I missing something?
<Carina> OH YES YOU ARE!
<Marianne> Yes tell us about the spanking Thaao
<Melanie> Yes, what was up with you smackin that ass on Kelly LeBrock!
LOL <Marianne> Luckey Lady <Phyllis Dawn> We are very ANXIOUS to hear about the spanking....... <DebDimera>
Yes, we are dying to know about the spank-o-cam <Melanie> We are all very depraved!@ <madeline> lol <Carina>
lmao Marianne> Yes Thaa and spanking just sound nice together! <Melissa> LOL..Mel <Melanie> lmao <Marianne>
THaao did you hear the questions?
<Melanie> "we're depraved on acounta we're deprived" <*THE
baby hooch*> lmao marianne!
<Lee/Thaao> Any more questions? Clean ones lol
*Huh what did he just say LOL! CLEAN ONES WTH!*
Carina> no clean questions, sorry <Marianne> Ahh come on Thaao <shelie girl> THese are just
related to his movie... <LeeAnn> i don't know what to ask. <DebDimera> Come on Thaao, spill about the spank-ocam
<Carina> What's the matter Thaao? Not feeling naughty tonight?
*No more naughtiness from Thaao that night*
<Lee/Thaao> bye and thank you all for coming on board.
You lucky things lol
<Marianne> LOL what a ham
< THAAO/Heather > "I'm having a martini"
< marianne > Naked? < THAAO/Heather > "I'm celebrating you"
< THAAO/Heather > "Marianne... he's wearing a robe." <
Carina > Marianne you kept it clean for 5 minutes
< marianne > Underwear? < marianne > Boxers or briefs < madeline > probably too
hot < THAAO/Heather > he said, "actually, I'm wearing a robe... it's white
from greece... I'm sitting in my garden... with a martini... No, I'm not wearing underwear." < THAAO/Heather > He's
< Carina > Ok, what are your thoughts on the whole "sex object" thing? You know we adore you as an actor/person
too right?
< THAAO/Heather > "yes... I know... I can't look at things that way... I do a job, I
do a character, but as far as people are concerned I appreciate those things... I don't take them for granted." < Carina > cool. we get criticized for lusting too much sometimes < marianne > Thanks
Thaao you are so sweet < marianne > Yes we got banned for lusting
< THAAO/Heather > "give me something passionate over someone boring, anytime"
< Toddy > thaao, did you know the hoochies were banned for 72
hours because of lusting over you?
< THAAO/Heather > No he didn't know that. LOL
THAAO/Heather > He's laughing
about the banning
< marianne > Please tell
us more about the spanking scenes in the Mirror Do you give or receive? Sorry it wasnt a clean one.
< THAAO/Heather
> Marianne: "I'm always the aggressor... I don't like passivity... in all aspects... " < marianne > ALRIGHT < THAAO/Heather > "I like to take
charge..." < Carina > well there you go! < Deb > Whoa!! < marianne > OMG < Carina
> thunk < imtheluckyone > as long as you are passionate about it < marianne > I bet he is < Deb
> As always < marianne > VERY GOOD < mollie > lol < THAAO/Heather
> Are you all picked up off the floor yet? LOL < madeline > no <
Phoenixnative > nope! < marianne > Cold shower Deb > Still recovering here! < THAAO/Heather > he said the martini is working! < marianne > Watch out hubby <
Toddy > ok 'fess up how many hoochies got turned on hearing that answer
< Carina > Did you know
that your nickname at dool.com is "The Package?" < Deb > LOL! < marianne > LOL < madeline >
lol < THAAO/Heather > I just asked him... "I am to please, tell them" < THAAO/Heather >
LMAO < marianne > LOL < marianne > OMG < Yvonne473 > LOL < marianne > I bet you
do < Carina > You've got new fans because of that swimsuit pic, Thaao. < Deb > LOL! < Carina >
We are very pleased
THAAO/Heather > "Nothing's changed, even though it was taken years ago..."
< Toddy > elaborate more on the camel ride :wink:
< THAAO/Heather > "One hump or two humps?" <
THAAO/Heather > HIS question, not mine < THAAO/Heather > lol
< Deb > LOL! I said that
camel pic gave new meaning to the word hump. < THAAO/Heather
> Deb? You're up < Deb > Drawing a blank now. Can't get the aggressor thing out of my head!!!!!! Thanks
alot Thaao! < THAAO/Heather > He's laughing,
Deb < THAAO/Heather > want me to go to marianne? < Deb > LOL!
< Deb > Will you teach me to dance the tango
< THAAO/Heather > "dip and all!"
Email any suggestions or to submit a contribution to:
mail to: thaaoshoochies@hotmail.com
Thaao's Hoochies photobucket site (over 1,800 pictures!)
Thaao's Hoochies Photographs Website
Leann Hunley Fan Site
Leann Hunley Photographs site
