March 26, 2009
Looks like Thaao's last day on DOOL is next Tuesday, the 31st.
March 12, 2009
Let's vote for Thaao and Leann on the Soap Opera Digest's Hot off the Net poll! Click
here Vote for Thaao for favorite actor. Leann is not on the fav actress list yet. Maybe
email to get her back on. Then vote for Tony and Anna as favorite couple. They will only stay on the list until
their last episode airs in a few weeks. So vote now! Also, you can vote multiple times if you have different ip
numbers. Just use different name and email information. Spread the word!
February 14, 2009
Thaao's airdates on DOOL: 2-19, 3-13, 3-16 to 3-20.
February 11, 2009
Thaao's last tape day on DOOL is March 4th. A chat is tentatively scheduled for March
7th. Thaao's last airdate on DOOL is approximately March 25th.
January 31, 2009
It appears as though Thaao got fired from DOOL. Tony will be killed off in a murder mystery in March
according to this blogger:
Scroll down for the news. Please visit
our campaigns section to voice your displeasure over the news.
Of course, this website existed before Thaao was hired
back in 2007. We are not going anywhere. We will continue to deliver anything Thaao related to this site. Thanks for your
support for almost two years.
Email any suggestions or to submit a contribution to:
mail to:
Thaao's Hoochies photobucket site (over 1,800 pictures!)
Thaao's Hoochies Photographs Website
Leann Hunley Fan Site
Leann Hunley Photographs site
