More from the Greek Film Festival, Hollywood Greek Reporter.
Thaao at Greek Film Festival 2008, Mefeedia
Another Thaao youtube play list
Thaao youtube playlist
Thaao and some hoochies from Burlington.
Clip of the Red Carpet Day of Days Event from NBC.COM Joe, Thaao and Leann come on at about 3:25, Also nice view of them at
end of clip around 30 sec.
Clip from the Day of Days event. Thaao and Leann are near the middle. Short but cute!
Several youtube clips from the "Day of Days" event from Nov 1st. Scroll through the thread.
Thaao on "Who's the Boss?"
Thaao on John Edward. At the top, enter the three letter code and hit download. It will take 45 secs to load. Wait for it
to finish and hit download. Then open file.
Ziggyelman's youtube page with 80s DOOL
Tarteprada's youtube page, recent Tanna
Soapnet's Night before Emmys party. Thaao is at 12:40.
DOOL stars 2008 Emmy Red Carpet
Thaao, Judi Evans, Darin Brooks, and Rachel Melvin on My Fox, LA.
Hollywood411, Daytime emmy party
Emmy nominee reception, you have to wait awhile until she gets to Thaao.
Cheesencrackerz1 youtube page
Dimera90's youtube page
Thaao and Leann Hunley blooper
Thaao's emmy nomination
Bryan Dattilo impersonating Thaao. Thaao also in this clip.
Thaao interview about Milton Katselas and the Beverly Hills Playhouse
Thaao's first General Hospital eppy on youtube
Death, Salem Style by rdnomad. Great montage for all fanbases.
Thaao in "Hotel"
Thaao in "Hotel" part 2
Thaao in "Slow Dancing in the Big City"
Thaao on General Hospital as Victor Cassadine
Marykay's youtube page, be sure to check out "Monster" and "The Package."
Addams Family spoof of the DiMeras on youtube
80sdaysvideos's youtube page, Tanna clips and others
Thaao, Dee, and Drake video clip interview from OZ. Click on the DOOL link.
Thaao,Drake,and Dee Aussie radio interview
Thaao, Dee, and Drake's Aussie interview part 1
Thaao, Dee, Drake Aussie interview part 2
Aussie interview part 3
Aussie interview part 4
Andre the clown on Vh1's Best Week Ever.
Thaao clips from "I wanna be a soap star." You must be a DiMera Den member to view clips.
Thaao audio interview
Steve Blackwood (Bart) youtube interview Aug 2007
Steve Blackwood youtube interview Aug 2007 part 2
Andre NBC promo for August 13th
Thaao and Leann arriving at the Emmys, fan video
NBC promo First clips of the Real Tony
Dastardly DiMeras clips
"Back in Black" youtube montage Tony/Ejami
Tony/EJ/Sami May 18th, NBC promo
NBC promo of Tony and Stefano's return May 11th
Tony DiMera return on Soapnet commercial
Thaao 2002 Soaptalk interview
LeAnn Hunley 2002 SoapNet interview
Thaao radio interview with Cindy Reinhardt 2004
DiMera Den video clips (You must be a member to view)
Madelinehawaii's youtube Tony/Thaao clips, also Mission: Impossible clips.
Lady DiMera's youtube page
SurfergirlCali's youtube clips Tony/Renee/Anna
Franco Mendez's youtube clips of Tony
Fenderbabe's youtube featuring Kate and her bad boys including Tony.
"Les Patterson Saves the World" trailer, 1987
"Altered States" trailer, 1980 (Thaao's in denim)
"The Lookalike" trailer, 1990. They pronounced Thaao's name wrong!
clip of The Lookalike on Lifetime
Thaao's voiceover/commercial work
Click on the link, and then his name. :-)
Tomi commercial
Email any suggestions or to submit a contribution to:
mail to:
Thaao's Hoochies photobucket site (over 1,800 pictures!)
Thaao's Hoochies Photographs Website
Leann Hunley Fan Site
Leann Hunley Photographs site
